Nativity Prep Application

Please print, fill out and return to Nativity Prep

Nativity Preparatory School of Wilmington is a tuition-free Catholic middle school for boys. Guided by the example of Saint Francis de Sales, it strives to educate students, regardless of faith, to maximize their God given potential. Nativity empowers them to earn acceptance and achieve success in a college preparatory school through a rigorous holistic education. Nativity Prep values social and moral development through the emphasis of our Four Houses: justice, valor, light, and honor.  It also provides an evening study and tutoring program, plus field trips to acquaint students with local cultural, educational, historical, and recreational resources, and a mandatory summer program.  Nativity Preparatory School of Wilmington admits students without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, lifestyle, ancestry, citizenship, family relationship or any other appropriate categories protected by law.




1515 Linden Street w Wilmington, DE 19805

(P) 302.777.1015  (F) 302.777.1225

Admissions Application:

-Student Information

-Parent/Guardian Information

-Income Information

-Parent/Guardian Statement

-Student Statement

-Family Demographics

-Current School Report Card Request

-Teacher Recommendation

-Administrative Recommendation


Admissions Process:

Once Nativity Prep receives each piece of the application, our Admissions Team will assess it and decide whether or not an interview will be scheduled. If an interview is scheduled, both the caretaker and student must be present. If the student moves on to the next part of the process, he will be invited to participate in a Shadow Day for the full academic and after-school portion of our program. Upon discussion of the Shadow visit, the student will be scheduled for a date to complete the entrance exam. The exam allows us to assess where your student is academically and will not be the sole basis of acceptance. In April, the Admissions Committee will meet and elect the new students. Notifications will be sent out in early May. If accepted, your student will need to be present for the start of our residential Summer Program (Mid-July). Participation in the Summer Program is mandatory.











Please attach a recent photograph of the applicant in this box.

­Student’s Name: ____________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________


Home Phone: ______________________________________________

Telephone Number: _________________________________________

Language Spoken at Home: ____________________________________

Age: ______ Date of Birth: ________________ Current Grade: ______

Current School: _____________________________________________

Telephone Number: __________________________________________

Other Schools Attended:

School Name: Grade: Dates:

Has the applicant ever had extra support in school?

Special Education Services ¨ Yes   ¨ No Tutoring or Remedial Services ¨ Yes   ¨ No
504 Plan ¨ Yes   ¨ No Counseling ¨ Yes   ¨ No
I.E.P. ¨ Yes   ¨ No Education or Psychological testing ¨ Yes   ¨ No
Title I Services ¨ Yes   ¨ No ¨ Yes   ¨ No

Is there any illness or disability which might interfere with the applicant’s studies or sports activities?

¨ Yes   ¨ No     If yes, please explain: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Has the applicant ever been suspended or expelled from school? ¨ Yes   ¨ No

If yes, please explain: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Does the applicant take any medication on a regular basis? ¨ Yes   ¨ No

If yes, please explain: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Family Information:                   Mother/Guardian                                              Father/Guardian

Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Email Address:
Work Phone:


Please check any that apply: ¨ 2 Parent household ¨ Father remarried ¨ Father deceased
¨ Parents divorced ¨ Mother remarried ¨ Mother deceased

Does anyone have court restricted access to the applicant: ¨ Yes ¨ No

If yes, who? ______________________________________ Relationship: _______________________

Other Family Information – Siblings:

Name Age Grade Living home?
¨ Yes   ¨ No
¨ Yes   ¨ No
¨ Yes   ¨ No
¨ Yes   ¨ No
¨ Yes   ¨ No
¨ Yes   ¨ No


Religion: _______________________________ Parish/Church: _______________________________

Ethnic Background: ¨ African American     ¨ Hispanic    ¨ Caucasian     ¨ Multiracial    ¨ Other

What is your Gross Annual Household Income? _________________ Number of Dependents: _______

**Please provide your tax return from the previous year**

According to FEDERAL GUIDELINES does your student qualify for free and reduced lunch?

¨ Free Lunch     ¨ Reduced Lunch   ¨ Full Payment

Including yourself, how many adults (persons 18 years or older) are in the household? _______

Does your family receive any of the following?     ¨ Government Assistance     ¨ Food Benefits

¨ Medical Assistance

We consider parents/guardians to be an integral part of a child’s education. Your description of your child will help us understand them better.

*Please use an additional sheet of paper if necessary.







Describe your child, including strengths and weakness, motivation and needs.





Describe your child’s previous school experiences. What were the positive aspects? What were the difficulties? How does your child’s academic record reflect his/her efforts?





Describe the ways in which you support the education of your child at home?





What are your short-term and long-term goals for your child’s education?





Why would you like your child to attend Nativity Prep?





When making admission decisions, we look at four major areas when considering a match between the student and school: academics, character, social interaction, and extracurricular participation. It is sometimes helpful to call a student’s teacher. By signing this document, you give us permission to contact your child’s teachers at their current school to speak with a member of their faculty/staff or admin.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________



Applicant’s Name __________________________________________

Date of Birth: ______________

Complete the following question in your own handwriting. Please write legibly. Use an additional sheet if necessary.

In your own words, why do you want to attend Nativity Prep School?







Complete each sentence…

I feel most comfortable when __________________________________________________________

I feel uncomfortable when _____________________________________________________________

The person I most admire is _____________________________, because _______________________


Something surprising about myself is ____________________________________________________

I do my best when ___________________________________________________________________

People think that I am ________________________________________________________________

My greatest strength is ________________________________________________________________

My greatest weakness is _______________________________________________________________

My proudest accomplishment is ________________________________________________________

I worry _____________________________________________________________________________

I secretly ___________________________________________________________________________

I would change ______________________________________________________________________

I am most annoyed by ________________________________________________________________

After middle/high school & college, I would like to __________________________________________


My favorite subject in school is _____________________________, because ____________________


Instructions to Parent or Guardian:
  1. Please fill in your student’s name and the name of his current school in the spaces below.
  2. Sign and date this form.
  3. Deliver this form to the Main Office or Guidance Department of your student’s current school.


I hereby authorize ______________________________________________________ (current school)

to release a copy of the academic record of _________________________________ (student’s name)

to Nativity Preparatory School of Wilmington.


Parent or Guardian’s Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _____________


Instructions to School:

The student named above is applying for admission to Nativity Preparatory School of Wilmington, a private, tuition-free extended day and year school for boys in Grades 5 through 8.

We request that copies of his most recent Delaware State Test results, most recent report card, and his report card for the previous completed school year, and IEP (if applicable) be forwarded directly to the Admissions Committee (mail or fax) at Nativity Preparatory School of Wilmington. Your prompt response to our request will be appreciated.

**This is NOT a request for complete school records**


Please call us if you have any questions regarding the school or this request for a transcript.

Attn: Admissions Committee

Nativity Preparatory School of Wilmington

1515 Linden Street

Wilmington, DE 19805


Tel: (302) 777-1015

Fax: (302) 777-1225




Core Teacher Recommendation Forms


Core Teacher: Math

Applicant’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________

Instructions: Please give this form to the appropriate teacher at your student’s current school and ask that it be mailed or faxed back. Address: 1515 Linden Street, Wilmington, DE 19805. Fax: 302.777.1225.







Person Completing Form: ______________________________________________________________

Subject/Grade Level Taught: ______________________ School: ______________________________

Telephone Number: _________________________ Email: ___________________________________

Recognizing that completing this form is not part of your official duties, Nativity greatly appreciates your helping the applicant by supplying the information requested. The information submitted will be considered confidential and will not become part of the student’s school record. Your candor will benefit the applicant and the school.

How long have you known the student: __________________________________________________

How well do you know the student academically: __________________________________________

How well do you know the student personally: ____________________________________________

What are the first few words that come to mind to describe the student: _______________________


Academic Qualities – Compared to other students you have taught at this grade level; how would you rate this student in terms of:

Excellent Above


Average Below


Study Habits
Academic Skills
Intellectual Curiosity
Works Independently
Creative Problem Solving
Critical/Abstract Thinking
Works Cooperatively
Communicates & Organizes Ideas
Intellectual Risk Taker
Personal Qualities – Compared to other students you have taught at this grade level, how would you rate this student in terms of:
Excellent Above


Average Below


Peer Relations
Sense of Humor
Reaction to Criticism
Concern for Others
Willingness to Take Risks
Responsibility for Own Actions
Parent Involvement & Support

Please comment on the applicant’s strengths & weaknesses as a student: _______________________




Please describe the relationship between the student’s level of effort and his/her academic achievement: _______________________________________________________________________




Please mention any additional information you think might help the school make an informed decision: ___________________________________________________________________________




If the school needs clarification, may we contact you by phone/email? ¨ Yes     ¨ No

Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________________



Core Teacher Recommendation Form


Core Teacher: English

Applicant’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________

Instructions: Please give this form to the appropriate teacher at your student’s current school and ask that it be mailed or faxed back. Address: 1515 Linden Street, Wilmington, DE 19805. Fax: 302.777.1225.






Person Completing Form: ______________________________________________________________

Subject/Grade Level Taught: ______________________ School: ______________________________

Telephone Number: _________________________ Email: ___________________________________

Recognizing that completing this form is not part of your official duties, Nativity greatly appreciates your helping the applicant by supplying the information requested. The information submitted will be considered confidential and will not become part of the student’s school record. Your candor will benefit the applicant and the school.

How long have you known the student: __________________________________________________

How well do you know the student academically: __________________________________________

How well do you know the student personally: ____________________________________________

What are the first few words that come to mind to describe the student: _______________________


Academic Qualities – Compared to other students you have taught at this grade level; how would you rate this student in terms of:

Excellent Above


Average Below


Study Habits
Academic Skills
Intellectual Curiosity
Works Independently
Creative Problem Solving
Critical/Abstract Thinking
Works Cooperatively
Communicates & Organizes Ideas
Intellectual Risk Taker
Personal Qualities – Compared to other students you have taught at this grade level, how would you rate this student in terms of:
Excellent Above


Average Below


Peer Relations
Sense of Humor
Reaction to Criticism
Concern for Others
Willingness to Take Risks
Responsibility for Own Actions
Parent Involvement & Support

Please comment on the applicant’s strengths & weaknesses as a student: _______________________




Please describe the relationship between the student’s level of effort and his/her academic achievement: _______________________________________________________________________




Please mention any additional information you think might help the school make an informed decision: ___________________________________________________________________________




If the school needs clarification, may we contact you by phone/email? ¨ Yes     ¨ No

Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________________




ADMINISTRATOR Recommendation Form


Administrator: Guidance Counselor or Principal

Applicant’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________

Instructions: Please give this form to the appropriate teacher at your student’s current school and ask that it be mailed or faxed back. Address: 1515 Linden Street, Wilmington, DE 19805. Fax: 302.777.1225.






Person Completing Form: ______________________________________________________________

Subject/Grade Level Taught: ______________________ School: ______________________________

Telephone Number: _________________________ Email: ___________________________________

Recognizing that completing this form is not part of your official duties, Nativity greatly appreciates your helping the applicant by supplying the information requested. The information submitted will be considered confidential and will not become part of the student’s school record. Your candor will benefit the applicant and the school.

How long have you known the student: __________________________________________________

How well do you know the student academically: __________________________________________

How well do you know the student personally: ____________________________________________

What are the first few words that come to mind to describe the student: _______________________


Academic Qualities – Compared to other students you have taught at this grade level; how would you rate this student in terms of:

Excellent Above


Average Below


Study Habits
Academic Skills
Intellectual Curiosity
Works Independently
Creative Problem Solving
Critical/Abstract Thinking
Works Cooperatively
Communicates & Organizes Ideas
Intellectual Risk Taker
Personal Qualities – Compared to other students you have taught at this grade level, how would you rate this student in terms of:
Excellent Above


Average Below


Peer Relations
Sense of Humor
Reaction to Criticism
Concern for Others
Willingness to Take Risks
Responsibility for Own Actions
Parent Involvement & Support

Please comment on the applicant’s strengths & weaknesses as a student: _______________________




Please describe the relationship between the student’s level of effort and his/her academic achievement: _______________________________________________________________________




Please mention any additional information you think might help the school make an informed decision: ___________________________________________________________________________




If the school needs clarification, may we contact you by phone/email? ¨ Yes     ¨ No

Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________________